Land Of Chaos Online Wiki


"An unidentified martial artist. No one knows his name or his background, but he is being chased by several countries for visiting famous martial artists, fighting and killing them.

There is a rumor that he was the best student of a noble family of martial artists, but nobody knows for sure"

NGINX asset show png 19893

Base Stats[]


Gengou is a hybrid tank and DPSer, with heavy hitting skills and a large amount of HP he's a force to be reckoned with, however, he lacks crowd control so he is a more solo carry than a team fighter.


LOCO-angrydragonsmash Angry Dragon Smash - AoE - Deals 110/220/330 skill damage to nearby enemies

LOCO-tigerblast Tiger Blast - Close Range, Single Target, Knockback - Deals 50/100/150/200/250 skill damage and knocks the target backwards

LOCO-tigertailkick Tiger Tail Kick - Close Range, AoE, Slow - Deals 100/150/200/250/300 skill damage and slows the enemy by 40/60/80/100/120%, goes though skill immunity

LOCO-tigerknuckle Tiger Knuckle - Close Range, Stationary, Cone Attack Pattern, DoT - Deals 30/50/70 skill damage every 0.2 seconds for 3 seconds, skill immunity granted during skill

LOCO-dragonpalm Dragon Palm - Buff, Self - Increase attack by 10/15/20/25/30 and defense 5/10/15/20/25% for 1 minute, undispellable

LOCO-bluedragon Blue Dragon - Single Target, Mid-Close Range, Stun - Deals 100/160/220 skill damage and stuns the target for 1/2/3 seconds

LOCO-fetterofchain Fetter of Chain - Single Target, Long Range, Pull - Pulls the target towards Gengou, range 10/12/14/16m

LOCO-callofnirvan Call of Nirvana - Single Target, Nuke, Very Long Range, Charge Up - Charge up power for 2 seconds then inflict 150/250/350/450 skill damage, range 19/21/23/25m

Ultimate Skills[]

LOCO-invulnerabilty Invincibility - Buff, Self - Become immune to all skills and ranged damage and decrease melee damage by 50/70% for 10/13 seconds. CD 120/150 seconds

LOCO-rageoftiger Rage of Tiger - De-Buff, AoE - Nearby enemies cannot attack or use skills for 4/7 seconds. Goes through skill immunity. Dispellable. CD 120 seconds
